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Rhynchosporium, affects both winter and spring barley. Rhynchosporium is a major yield robbing disease of barley, which spreads rapidly under favourable conditions, causing rapid loss of green leaf area (GLA).

Up to 50% of the flag leaf can be lost, devastating your final yield.

Robust Rhynchosporium control

Revystar® XE, backboned by Xemium ® (“Imtrex®”) provides excellent control of Rhynchosporium. AHDB curves continue to demonstrate the strength of BASF Xemium® (“Imtrex®”) on Rhynchosporium.

Further trials by Teagasc illustrate that Xemium® + F500 containing products deliver robust control of Rhynchosporium.

Both the ADHB curves and Teagasc trials illustrate that Xemium® is the strongest active available on Rhynchosporium. The addition F500 enhances the Rhynchosporium control, with F500 exhibiting good efficacy

Barley Diseases

Barley Crop Management

To maximise your winter and spring barley yields you must get the basics right. Growing barley is about creating your yield and then protecting your yield.
