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Barley does not respond well to stress, which is a major precursor to Ramularia. With Ramularia being the one key disease in crop biology that is impacted directly by stress. Ramularia control begins early in a barley crops life. An understanding needs to be created that Ramularia is not a disease that we focus on at one particular timing, it needs to be on our minds from day one.

Effective Ramularia Control

Revysol® is the strongest azole available for control of Ramularia, offering unique control of Ramularia which outperforms leading SDHI/Ptz based offers. Trials illustrate the increase in GLA % and reliable ramularia control offered by Revysol®.

Revystar® XE powered by Revysol® gives you the best broad spectrum T2 fungicide with its market leading Ramularia control.

Barley Diseases

Barley Crop Management

To maximise your winter and spring barley yields you must get the basics right. Growing barley is about creating your yield and then protecting your yield.
