Follow A Farmer

Over the coming months, we will be following farmers across the UK to discover what it takes to grow some of our favourite foods.

From cereal crops such as wheat, barley and oilseed rape, and root vegetables like potatoes, sugar beet and carrots, to fruits like tomatoes, strawberries and apples, we’ll find out how they are grown.

We will also discover how growers are using technology and data to make more informed decisions, see how they are balancing food production with caring for the environment, and are making their businesses more resilient to a changing climate.

There’ll be highs and lows throughout the season as the growers tackle the weather as well as weeds, pests and disease.

Follow a Farmer as they tackle The Biggest Job on Earth!

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Location: Norfolk

Grows: Wheat, sugar beet, spring barley, vining…

Location: Cambridgeshire

Grows: Wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar beet…

Location: Yorkshire

Grows: Carrots, wheat, barley, oilseed rape…

Location: Kent

Grows: Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries…

Thanet Earth
Thanet Earth

Location: Birchington, Kent

Grows: Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers

Follow a Farmer

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Farming, The Biggest Job on Earth

Farming is fundamental to the world’s wellbeing and there has never been a more challenging time for farming, farmers and the industry. Tightening regulations, rising costs. Feeding an ever-growing population, rising expectations from people and society. Looking after nature and balancing land use. Thinking about what needs to be done to make a positive impact on UK food production and ensure food security.

Find out more