Cocksfoot [Dactylis glomerata]

Pest Profile
About the pest
It is a large, densely tufted, perennial grass of coarse appearance, 30cm to 1.2m tall. There are many strains, with differing growth habits. The broad leaf blades have a prominent ridge on the undersides and are often bluish-green in colour. The flowerheads are often triangular and appear densely packed.
Key features
Plant: The stems are flattened, especially at the base.
Cock’s-foot is sown as an agricultural grass and may be present in arable fields after ploughing. It remains green all winter. It mainly reproduces by seed which can persist from 2 to 3 years on the soil surface. Seed set is high and the fruit fairly mobile.
Symptoms & Diagnosis
Life Cycle
Seed longevity: 1 - 5 years
Seed weight: 2 mg
Seeds/head: 100
Although it is often found in first-year cereals after grass, it seldom persists in routinely cultivated soils. It is best controlled at the time of grass destruction or in fallow.