Dove's Foot Cranesbill [Geranium molle]

Pest Profile

About the pest

About the weed

An annual dicotyledon, 10 - 30cm tall. The leaves are cut to less than halfway and have a rounded outline.

Key features

Plant: It is distinguished from other geraniums by the almost round leaves. The stems are covered by both long and short hairs, so look softly hairy. Flower: The pink petals have broad, blunt notches at the tip.


Dove’s-foot crane’s-bill is found on lightly grassed margins and in arable crops, particularly in headland areas. Reproduction is by seed. It is most often seen in spring crops, but it can germinate in the autumn and overwinter and grow vigorously in more open winter crops.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Life Cycle

Seed longevity: >5 years
Seed weight: 1.25 mg
Seeds/flower: 5
Seeds/plant: 100 - 1500



In more open winter crops, control can be variable with residual herbicides. Sulfonylureas have some activity.
