Common Mouse Ear [Cerastium fontanum]

Pest Profile

About the weed

It is a sprawling or upright, perennial dicotyledon 5 - 50cm tall. The small oval leaves and the stem are covered with dense white hairs. The flowers have five white petals, with sepals the same length as the petals.

Key features

Young plant: The seedlings are very small and hairy.


Common mouse-ear is a perennial, which functions as an annual in arable fields. The seeds are dispersed by wind or eaten by birds. It can emerge throughout the year, given sufficient soil moisture.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Life Cycle

Seed longevity: >5 years

Seed weight: 0.1 mg

Seeds/flower: 40

Seeds/plant: 0 - 1200



It is less common where soils are routinely cultivated and is likely to be encouraged by reduced cultivation and direct drilling. It does not compete in dense, vigorous crops.
