Control of Sterile/Barren brome
The best levels of brome control (all species) result from a sequence of both pre and post-emergence herbicide applications. Single applications made either pre or post-emergence are unlikely to give satisfactory control due to the nature of the weed, it’s germination pattern and strong, competitive growth.
Pre-emergence herbicides such as Crystal provide a valuable contribution to the brome control programme especially because they can be very competitive in the early stages of crop establishment. Pre-emergence herbicides keep on top of the bromes and provide greater flexibility in the timing of the post-emergence gramincide.
Applications of post-emergence ALS-inhibitor herbicides after the pre-emergence herbicide can result in high levels of control especially if the programme is completed in the autumn when Sterile and Great brome are present. For Rye, Meadow and Soft bromes the timing of the post-emergence ALS inhibitor is more flexible.
Crystal will provide moderate control of Sterile and Great brome up to 2 true leaves when used pre or very early post-emergence at 4lt/ha. It shows lower activity against Soft, Rye and Meadow bromes.
The best programme proven in trials is:
Crystal pre-emergence (4.0 l/ha) followed by
Broadway Star + Stomp Aqua at 1-3 leaves brome (265g+1.75 l/ha+ adjuvant)