Luximo® - Spring barley

  • Use full label dose of 0.7 l/ha to control black-grass or ryegrass.
  • Apply pre-emergence for best efficacy.
  • Pack partners must still be used.
  • See best practice guidance below for crop safety considerations.

*Crystal® and Liberator both applied at half dose in accordance to spring barley labels.*

Table below shows the pack partners available with Luxinum® Plus and the dose rates at which they can be used.

Luxinum Plus Pack partnerPre-em dosePost-em doseComments
Stomp® Aqua2.0 l/han/aNo post-em use
Picona®3.0 l/ha2.0 l/haReduced dose post-em
Orient®3.0 l/ha2.0 l/haReduced dose post-em

Best practice guidance

  • Carefully check that the whole field is drilled to the correct drilling depth of at least 3cm before applying Luxinum® Plus. Pay particular attention where soil type differs or topography changes.
  • Ensure there is at least 3cm of consolidated soil coverage between the crop seed and the surface, this is after any rolling or soil settlement from any weather event post drilling and prior to application.
  • On lighter soil types, consider drilling deeper.
  • In direct drilled crops, ensure any slots are covered before application.
  • Avoid application of Luxinum® Plus if heavy rainfall is predicted.

Luxinum® Plus Label

For the Luxinum® Plus product label, please click below.


Barley crop management

To maximise your winter and spring barley yields you must get the basics right. Growing barley is about creating your yield and then protecting your yield.



Luximo® provides a brand new mode of action in the fight against difficult to control grassweeds.
