Pre-em weed control in maize

Make sure your crops look like this...

not this...

The yield and quality of maize can be significantly reduced as a result of competition from weeds particularly during the establishment phase of the crop.

The earlier the weeds are controlled, the less chance they have to compete with the crop for water, nutrients and light. Therefore, pre-em herbicides should be the foundation of the herbicide strategy.

Advantages of pre-emergence herbicides

  • Starts the weed control as early as possible in the crop
  • Allows the crop to get off to the best and cleanest start possible
  • Reduces timing pressure on the post-emergence sprays
  • Avoids possible herbicide growth check to emerged crop from post-emergence sprays
  • Weather delays are less critical compared to post-emergence applications

Wing P® and Stomp® Aqua provide broad spectrum pre-emergence control of grass and broad-leaved weeds in maize and sweetcorn* (with or without a plastic mulch cover*)

How to get the best out of pre-em herbicides

  • Create a fine, firm and consolidated seedbed for best seed/soil contact for germination and optimum activity and crop safety from the pre-emergence herbicide
  • Ensure seed is covered with 5cm settled soil
  • Apply as soon as possible after drilling - soil moisture is required for products to be activated
  • Best results occur if rain falls within seven days of application

Product profiles

Stomp® Aqua contains pendimethalin (PDM) which is the best active ingredient on which to base pre-em weed control in maize

  • Controls annual meadow grass and a wide range of broad-leaved weeds such as black nightshade, fat hen, orache and chickweed
  • Provides strong residual activity to control late germinating weeds
  • Stomp Aqua is the most efficient, stain-free formulation of PDM currently on the market

Wing P® contains both pendimethalin and dimethenamid-p (DMTA-p), which means it builds on the PDM base to provide the best ‘all-round’ product for pre-em weed control in maize

  • Excellent residual broad-spectrum grass and broad-leaved weed control
  • DMTA-p adds to PDM by providing improved and more consistent grass weed control and additional activity against weeds such as crane’s-bill and mayweeds
  • DMTA-P is the perfect partner to pendimethalin, not only because of its weed spectrum, but also due to its complementary solubility and soil adsorption properties which help to give Wing P greater reliability in drier seedbeds
  • Wing P gives best results when applied pre-em of both the crop and weeds but, if the pre-em timing is missed, it can be applied early post-em (up to and including 4th leaf stage of the crop)
Wing P® and Stomp® Aqua are both approved for use on forage and grain maize.

*EAMU approval for Wing-P® allows pre-em application to crops of either forage or grain maize or sweetcorn grown under temporary plastic mulch provided they are drilled on or after 1st April.

Stomp® Aqua carries label approval for pre-em use on forage or grain maize grown under temporary plastic mulch & EAMU approval for use on crops of sweetcorn, with or without temporary plastic mulch.

*Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMU); users must ensure that all conditions specified in the EAMU are complied with and must be in possession of the Notice of Extension of Use, before use is undertaken. Although approved, EAMU uses are made entirely at the risk of the user.

EAMUs can be downloaded at:

For further information contact your local BASF Agronomy Manager or the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to .

Wing-P contains dimethenamid-p + pendimethalin. Stomp Aqua contains pendimethalin. Wing-P and Stomp Aqua are registered trademarks of BASF plc.

© BASF 2021 | All rights reserved. All other brand names used on this publication are Trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist.

Technical Services Hotline

Stomp® Aqua

A herbicide for the control of a range of grass and annual broad-leaved weeds in a wide range of crops.

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Wing P®

A residual herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds and annual meadow grass in forage and grain maize.

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