Nirvana® and Stomp® Aqua for weed control in Winter Beans

Interest continues to grow for winter beans as an alternative break crop to OSR. Given the high demand and the poor harvest, market feedback suggests that winter bean seed is now hard to source, and growers are considering sowing spring varieties in the autumn.

PGRO advice, provided during the recent winter bean agronomy webinar hosted on the Real Results Virtual Farm, suggests that spring varieties sown in the winter can yield as well as winter varieties, especially if they are sown at their normal spring seed rates of 40 plants/m2. Follow this link to view the PGRO webinar: Top tips for getting the most from winter beans.

The webinar also highlighted that attention to detail in relation to crop establishment is one of the most important factors that can help to maximise and improve consistency of yields.

Crop establishment

  • Start black-grass control before the crop is sown
  • Avoid compacted or cloddy seedbeds
    - compaction can severely restrict root growth and reduce yield by up to 40%
  • Prepare the seedbed and soil structure
    - good seed:soil contact promotes rapid germination and establishment
    - crops with good root structures are more tolerant of wet winters and drought in the spring
  • Drill to suitable depth
    - minimum 3 cm of fine, settled soil cover over seed
  • Target optimum plant density of 20 plants/m2 fully established
    - allow 10-15% loss over winter
  • Apply pre-em herbicides as soon as possible after drilling
    - beans are not competitive crops and are highly vulnerable to early weed pressure
    - effective weed control ensures easier harvest without the need for desiccation
    - good seedbeds aid the efficacy and safety of pre-em herbicides

4 Steps for black-grass control in winter beans

1. Use stale seedbeds as much as possible

  • Encourage repeat flushes of black-grass
  • Spray off with glyphosate

2. Use a strong pre-em as first part of programme

  • Nirvana®
  • Stomp® Aqua
  • Propyzamide
    - winter beans only, not spring

    - weak on mayweed, poppy and cleavers
    - use alone or in mix with Nirvana® or Stomp® Aqua for improved grass & blw control

3. Use an early post-em follow up where possible

  • Carbetamide
    - winter beans only, not spring

4. Apply post-em graminicides with care

  • Target black-grass before it tillers
  • Spray when weed is actively growing
  • Use suitable water volume & spray quality
  • Laser® (+ adjuvant)


Nirvana® (pendimethalin + imazamox) is the most reliable pre-emergence option in field beans

  • Two herbicide modes of action for improved efficacy and resistance risk management
  • Good residual activity covers the germination periods of key weeds e.g. annual meadow grass, cleavers, poppy, charlock and later germinating weeds like black bindweed, fat-hen, redshank and knotgrass
  • The addition of imazamox to pendimethalin gives improved control of brassicas, mayweed and speedwells
  • Can be used at lower rates in tank mix with partners such as Centium or Kerb to improve cleaver and black-grass control respectively

Nirvana® rate recommendations

Stomp® Aqua

Stomp® Aqua contains pendimethalin (PDM), which is the key pre-emergence active on which the herbicide programme should be based

  • Provides control of both annual meadow grass and broad-leaved weeds ·
  • Strong tank mix partner for a range of pre-ems such as Defy, Centium, Kerb Flo
  • PDM is classed as low risk for the development of resistance - important in the management of ALS resistance development in black-grass, chickweed and poppy
  • Stomp® Aqua
    - Premium formulation - non-staining, easy rinse, reduced binding to organic matter means more active is available for weed control
    - Most concentrated PDM formulation - increases work rates, optimises the use of limited autumn spray windows, less packaging waste

Stomp® Aqua recommendations

Please note Stomp Aqua carries an EAMU approval for use in winter and spring beans. Extensions of Authorised Use (EAMU) for the above products are ‘off-label’ and are at Growers Risk. Users must ensure that all conditions specified in the Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use are complied with and must be in possession of the Notice of Extension of Use, before use is undertaken. The EAMU can be downloaded at .

If you have any queries or require further information, please contact your local BASF agronomy manager. Contact details can be found at . Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to

Nirvana contains pendimethalin + imazamox. Stomp Aqua contains pendimethalin. Centium contains clomazone. Defy contains prosulfocarb. Kerb Flo contains propyzamide. Nirvana and Stomp Aqua are registered trademarks of BASF. All other products are those of other manufacturers where proprietary rights may exist.

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Nirvana® is a herbicide containing pendimethalin and imazamox, for the pre-emergence control of a range of broad-leaf weeds in winter and spring field beans, combining peas and vining peas.

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