
Luximo® provides a unique mode of action in the fight against difficult to control grass weeds and offers a new backbone for winter wheat and spring barley herbicide programmes.

To be used as part of an IPM strategy, Luximo® sets a new standard for black-grass and ryegrass control, whilst delivering comparable levels of control against bromes as current, residual market standards.

Luximo® is available as Luxinum® Plus + Stomp® Aqua .

Learn more about Luximo®

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Meet the growers

Introducing our LUXIMO® ON FARM growers – find out about their approach to grass weed control and how they got on with Luximo® in the series below.

Nigel farms 1,100 acres in partnership with his brother Adrian near Doncaster in Yorkshire. Nigel is the agronomist and sprayer operator for the business, annually spraying 4,000 ha of mainly combinable crops with his 36 m Rogator sprayer.

Freya is responsible for over 1,600ha across North Bedfordshire and into South Cambridgeshire along with her son Joshua who has recently joined the partnership.

Ed and his brother, Charles, took over their parents’ 600ha farm in Essex nearly fifteen years ago and have recently taken on a further 500ha farm in Bedfordshire.

Tom Sewell farms 600ha near Maidstone in Kent and is probably best-known for his work on improving his farm’s soil health, having won Soil Farmer of the Year in 2021. The farm is no-till and he grows winter wheat alongside break-crops such as oilseed rape, winter beans, spring beans, spring linseed and spring oats.

Rob and his father farm a total of 260ha of land rented from the…

Daniel King farms approximately…

David is a third-generation farmer. He went to Eastern Agricultural…

Nigel farms 1,100 acres in partnership with his brother…

Freya is responsible for over 1,600ha across North…

Ed and his brother, Charles, took over their parents’ 600ha farm in…

Tom Sewell farms 600ha near Maidstone in Kent and is probably best-known for his work on…

Rob and his father farm a total of 260ha of land rented from the Crown’s Bingham Estate in Nottinghamshire. Soil types vary from gravel through to heavy loam.

Daniel King farms approximately 740ha of tenanted and contract farmed land in Bourne, South Lincolnshire.

David is a third-generation farmer. He went to Eastern Agricultural College to study agriculture for four years, including a gap year which he spent in the United States.

Nigel farms 1,100 acres in partnership with his brother Adrian near Doncaster in Yorkshire. Nigel is the agronomist and sprayer operator for the business, annually spraying 4,000 ha of mainly combinable crops with his 36 m Rogator sprayer.

Luximo® in the press

Find out what the press has to say about Luximo®.

A&AF, Jun 2022

BASF has received approval in GB for its new active substance, Luximo®, and the product containing this active, Luxinum® Plus, providing a new mode of action against grassweeds and a vital tool for controlling black-grass and Italian ryegrass.

Arable Farming, May 2022

Although less widespread than blackgrass, the increasing threat of Italian ryegrass can be a severe problem on-farm. Peter Crowe reports.

CPM, Jan 2022

A promising new product with a new mode of action could be about to shake up the cereal herbicide market. CPM takes a first look.

Farmers Weekly, Aug 2024

The mild, wet winter of the 2023/24 season provided ideal conditions for blackgrass growth…

The Farming Forum, Aug 2024

With last autumn’s record-breaking wet weather putting many drilling and herbicide programmes into chaos, many fields are facing high…

CPM, Jul 2024

Brome is proving an increasingly difficult weed to control with populations of all species…

Farmers Weekly, Jul 2024

A comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy is essential to combat the…

Farmers Weekly, Oct 2023

How does Velcourt tackle blackgrass on its…

CPM, Sep 2023

Changing the rotation on a Yorkshire farm has…

Arable Farming, Aug 2023

New chemistry benefits from judicious use as part of an IPM strategy, to maximise its…

CPM, Aug 2023

Making small improvements is helping to keep a…

A&AF, Aug 2023

‘Variable’ is the word NIAB Weed Biology and Management Specialist, John Cussans uses to…

CPM, Jul 2023

There’s no disguising the fact that grass weed control isn’t as good as it should be in some…

CPM, Jul 2023

Word in the field this season is grassweed pressure has caught some off-guard despite…

Farmers Weekly, June 2023

This season will be remembered as one where…

CPM, Oct 2022

A longer than usual period between harvest and…

A&AF, Sep 2022

Wherever black-grass is an issue, the new BASF herbicide, Luximo, is poised to radically change…

CPM, Aug 2022

Successfully bringing blackgrass under control on one Essex farm is a mission Ed Ford is looking…

CPM, Aug 2022

Luxinum® Plus promises a significant step-up in grassweed control for UK growers who keep in…

Farmers Weekly, Aug 2022

Tom Sewell farms 1200 acres near Maidstone in Kent and is probably best-known for his work on…

CPM, Jul 2022

Profitability versus long term weed control was a challenge for those with blackgrass, and now a…

CPM, Jul 2022

Last month BASF’s eagerly awaited blackgrass herbicide was officially launched to the industry…

Farmers Weekly, Jun 2022

The first new blackgrass herbicide for years is expected to improve control of the grassweed…

A&AF, Jun 2022

BASF has received approval in GB for its new active substance, Luximo®, and the product…

Arable Farming, May 2022

Although less widespread than blackgrass, the…

CPM, Jan 2022

A promising new product with a new mode of…

Farmers Weekly, Aug 2024

The mild, wet winter of the 2023/24 season provided ideal conditions for blackgrass growth and subsequent high levels of grassweed seed return. However, Somerset grower Mark Doble has shown that with strategic IPM use and a long-term perspective, it is possible to regain control in high pressure fields.

The Farming Forum, Aug 2024

With last autumn’s record-breaking wet weather putting many drilling and herbicide programmes into chaos, many fields are facing high black-grass seed return. It is extremely frustrating, but growers are advised to stick with tried and tested best-practice – use cultural controls and delay drilling, apply the most effective chemistry and apply it within 48 hours of sowing.

CPM, Jul 2024

Brome is proving an increasingly difficult weed to control with populations of all species reportedly on the rise. CPM brings together stakeholders from across the industry to discuss, as part of this Real Results Roundtable.



IPM Game Plan

Luximo® is a brand new mode of action to help the fight against black-grass and ryegrass but the cultural controls that the industry has been using up until now continue to be vital. It’s important that Luximo® is used as part of an integrated weed management programme. You can download our IPM Game Plan below.


Why Luximo®?

Luximo® offers growers the greatest efficacy in a winter wheat herbicide programme, and we recommend it as a replacement to flufenacet as the base of black-grass and ryegrass control programmes.

Luximo® (cinmethylin) has a completely new mode of action. It is classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) as an inhibitor of fatty acid thioesterase (group 30).

Luximo® inhibits cell membrane production in the weed, meaning the weed can no longer grow.

In the field, root and shoot growth of sensitive plants is inhibited and often the weeds never emerge. Where they do merge, leaves show yellowing and discolouration, before the plant withers and dies.

This novel mode of action enables Luximo® to work against even resistant biotypes, making it possible to break the vicious cycle of black-grass reproduction.

Luximo® delivers superior performance to current market standards and is inherently stronger than flufenacet against black-grass.

Across 106 UK pre-emergence black-grass trials over four years, across different soil types and pressure, solo Luximo® gave an extra 22 percentage points of control over solo flufenacet.

Across 56 UK pre-emergence black-grass trials across three years, Luximo® plus pendimethalin and diflufenican outperformed Liberator (flufenacet + diflufenican) + aclonifen by an average of 12.5 percentage points in control.

Luximo® delivers superior performance to current market standards and is inherently stronger than flufenacet against ryegrass.

Across 17 UK pre-emergence ryegrass trials over four years, solo Luximo® gave an extra 29 percentage points of control over solo flufenacet.

Luximo® is primarily taken up by the roots of weeds and its ideal combination of chemical properties helps get it where it needs to be, and keep it there long enough to get the job done.

All soil residual herbicides require sufficient soil moisture to be activated. However, due to its chemical properties, Luximo® requires less moisture to ‘activate’ than flufenacet.

Whilst impossible to accurately predict since heavy dew can provide some moisture, as a rough guide, only 3mm of rainfall would be needed over a 5 day period to activate Luximo® whilst 7mm would be needed to activate flufenacet, providing a more reliable application.

Luximo® is manufactured from more than 50% sustainable materials, such as tree resin and by-products of paper manufacture, enabling increased yields in a more sustainable way.

Luximo® - Spring Barley

The superior grassweed control from Luxinum® Plus applied pre-emergence is the best way of getting on top of any grassweed problems and ensuring your spring barley gets off to the best start.


Find out more about Luximo®

Browse through our in-depth fact sheets for 8 common UK weeds using an independent…

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